My finisher dog-tag from the 1-miler :)
Well, I had another race today, but not a half marathon, unfortunately. I did the Miles for Music 20K and 1-miler that took place this morning not too far from where I live.
It went horribly.
I want to point out, however, that the horrible experience I had today was in no way related to the quality of this event. It was actually a pretty organized, well-put-together race, especially for an inaugural run. Parking was made easy and accessible. Packet pick-up was available race morning and was a breeze. There were more than enough water/gatorade stations, lots of people directing runners on the course, and yummy post-race food (the soft pretzels were AMAZING!). [Although, I think a finisher's medal would have been a nice touch, but that could just be cause I love bling. ;)]
I wasn't sure about running this race when I first heard about it. I have a half marathon a week from today and two more the following weekend. This wasn't a half. It wasn't a new state. There was no bling. And it would result in not being able to sleep in on my day off this weekend. But I decided it might be a good idea to use this race as a sort of training run for my half next weekend.
The race started off pretty well. I maintained a pretty good pace (well, good pace for me) for about the first 6 miles. I haven't been able to run since my last half two weeks ago, so I was excited that I was running at such a pace without feeling too much fatigue. But then the trouble started - my IT band became unhappy and made sure I knew it. By mile 7, I seriously considered walking off the course (something I have NEVER done before). The pain kept getting worse. I eventually did finish, but it took a LOT of walking in the last 5.5 miles, and even then, it still hurt.
My time was pitiful. I've been too embarrassed to even tell anyone else. My only 20K time was worse than most of my half marathons. Not cool.
I've actually been pretty bummed about the whole experience all day. I generally love running races because even if I don't do anything else that day, I still feel like I accomplished something. And today, I didn't. I wasn't expecting to shatter any of my speed records today, but I was hoping to at least do reasonably well. It doesn't help that I had a poor performance at the last half I raced too. Plus, I've been really worried about my IT band. I had similar problems with it back in May and had to miss a half marathon. With 3 half marathons coming up in the next two weeks (and two new states), I'm a little scared. Getting this injured over a race that isn't a half and doesn't help me with my challenge just seemed like a giant waste.
But I'm trying to look at the situation in a better light this evening. My IT band is already starting to feel a little better. Still quite painful, and I'm still worried, but I at least have some hope that I'll be able to run next weekend. And as for my disappointment about my terrible finishing time, I'm trying to put it in perspective. I was in significant pain for almost half of the race. I had to walk more than I ever have before. I can't expect to have a stellar time.
I'm trying to be proud of what I did accomplish today: I completed a 20K, and then right after, did a significant pain. While it may not be the smartest idea to continue to run through the pain, I guess I have to give myself some credit for persevering and finishing. And I guess it's pretty amazing that I made it out there at all. I worked a late shift in the ED last night, and then with the Daylight Saving Time, I lost an hour of sleep. I gave up sleeping in on my one day off this weekend to run 13.4 miles. And it wasn't for a medal. Or a new state. Or a PR. It was for the love of running. I don't think I would've done that a year ago today. And I did it without having run in two weeks. I'm proud of myself that I have the ability to just randomly wake up and run over 13 miles. That's not easy. And even though I haven't done super well in my last couple of races, I got out there. And I finished. And that's what really matters.
I'm gonna try to stay positive. And try to get my IT band better. I guess that's all I can do for now. :)
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