So obviously, I didn't quite follow through with keeping this blog up-to-date since the last post. My rotations (and life in general!) have been absolutely crazy. Plus, whatever free time I've been able to get, I've been traveling and running races, which further limits my ability to post about them. Awful, vicious cycle. ;)
But to do a quick rundown of all that's happened since my last post:
-I finished my intern year - hooray! Unfortunately, that means that now I am able to do >24 calls/shifts when previously I was limited to 16 hours. Already had two 24-hr shifts this week - not much fun! Plus, my new rotation is quite time-intensive, which is severely limiting my running. And I'm on Saturday call every other weekend and on back-up call (no traveling!) one of my two weekends "off." So, my racing is basically on hold at this point. I was considering traveling to Vermont this weekend (my one weekend off) for a half, but I am just too exhausted. It looks like my next race then won't be until August. Bummer.
-I've finished 4 more states: I ran the Rite Aid Cleveland Half Marathon on 5/20. Then, my boyfriend and I spent my June vacation weekend exploring the northwest US. I ran the Casper Half in Wyoming on 6/3, then the Governor's Cup Half in Helena, Montana on 6/9, and finally the St. Joe's River Half in St. Maries, ID on 6/10. It was a LOT of driving, but totally worth it. Even found a little time to fit in Mt. Rushmore and Yellowstone National Park for a completely amazing vacation.
-Unfortunately, my 3 races in June were my worst 3 half marathon times ever. Granted, I have to factor in altitude (I was not acclimated at all), some pretty intense climbs (in Montana, I climbed a mountain!), and some pretty nasty weather...but it was still pretty disappointing to have fallen so far downhill from where I started. That's not the way it's supposed to be. I think the disappointment has caused me to question my love of running entirely. It's been unbelievably hard to get myself out the door to go for a run since returning from my June trip.
-In response to my lack of motivation/desire to run lately, I started a new challenge for myself a couple of weeks ago: to run every day. Due to my crazy schedule, every day is actually not possible. But I at least wanted to run every day where I had the opportunity to. It didn't have to be far or fast. The only requirements I set for myself were that I actually run and that I go at least 1 mile. So far, I think it's been helping. I've been remarkably good at getting myself out the door to run. Aside from call days where I don't have an opportunity to run, I've only skipped 1 running day - and that's because I was sick. However, I haven't been very good at getting myself to go longer than my required 1 mile. The most I've done is a little over 2 miles a few times. Part of this is due to the ridiculous heat right now. It's incredibly hard to get myself out the door to run after a long day at work - and it's even harder to get myself to keep running longer in 95-degree weather. But I keep telling myself that 1 mile is better than nothing. And I'm trying to think of new ways to motivate myself to go on longer runs. Hope I can figure something out. ;)
Anyway, I'm currently post-call and still have a lot of stuff I need to do before heading back to work in the morning. I hope maybe I can set a new challenge for myself about posting in here more regularly. It's such a good release for me, and I would love to have a record of my running journey...I'm gonna try to find the time!
And I mean it this time. ;)