Monday, May 14, 2012

Catching up

It's been a super long time since I last posted in here.  I, unfortunately, started some rough rotations since beginning this blog, which have severely limited my free time and hence, my blog posts.  But even worse than not having enough time to blog is not having enough time to run!  I did not get a chance to run a half marathon (or any race, for that matter) in the entire month of April.  It was torture!

I'm at least done with my worst rotation now.  I'm on one that's slightly better in terms of hours, and I now have some weekends off, which I didn't have at all in April.  So, naturally, I'm back at my running.  Just finished half #18 (state #14) yesterday.  I originally planned to devote a blog post to each of my half marathons as a sort of race recap/review.  But, given my limited time right now, I'm going to have to settle for quick mentions.

Going backwards to March...

                        Half #15, State #11: Cherry Point Half Marathon, Havelock, NC

                          Half #16, State #12: Caesar Rodney Half Marathon, Wilmington, DE

                        Half #17, State #13: Cox Providence Half Marathon, Providence, RI

                Half #18, State #14: Western Mass. Mother's Day Half Marathon, Whately, MA 

I have a lot I want to write about, but don't have the time right now.  I'll try to keep up with this a little better so I don't fall so far behind again, but we'll see how it goes.  For now, though, it's time for a little rest and sleep before getting back to work again in the morning. :)